
Insight: Keeping up with autonomous cars

Tom Geggus | 07 Okt 2020

Über den Autor

Tom Geggus


As editor of Autovista24, Tom covers a wide variety of stories from across the automotive industry. From sales figures to the development of technology, he wants to know what is driving the industry.

Insight: Keeping up with autonomous cars

In the first part of our latest insight episode, Phil Curry talks with Autovista Group’s chief economist Christof Engelskirchen and Daily Brief journalist Tom Geggus about the rapidly advancing pace of autonomous technology, and the reality of self-driving cars…

To get a notification for the second part of our ‘Keeping up with autonomous cars’ episode, You can subscribe for free to the Autovista Group Daily Brief YouTube channel. There you will also find videos on a range of subjects including incentive schemes, safety systems, electrification and event reviews.

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